Sunday 23 February is regular training from 1300-1600 with the dress being full uniform or white shirt/dark pants and shoes (for those without a uniform).
Cadets please arrive between 1250-1300. Due to base restrictions and staffing requirements, cadets must arrive on time. Cadets arriving more than 5 minutes late will not be admitted.
Parents are asked to arrive for pick-up at 1545 for Liberty Boat announcements before cadets are released at 1600.
Cadets may bring a LABELLED water bottle, food or snacks. A canteen will also be available at the 1430 stand easy. As items are priced at $1 or less it is requested that cadets bring no more than $5 as change cannot be made for larger denomination.
Competition Teams Training will continue on Sunday 23 February from 1100-1300 (please note the new timing and arrive between 1050-1100). As lunch is not provided, cadets are required to bring a snack/lunch and water.
Drum training is suspended until April 6th to allow more time for team practice until the squadron competition on March 29th.
For weekly training purposes, cadets will enter HMCS Carleton from the entrance to the gate in the back parking lot. A parent must remain with the cadet until he/she is cleared for admittance to the base by a Kingsmill officer. Similarly, at a cadet activity off the base, a parent must check in with a Kingsmill officer for both drop off and pick up. In order to reduce the risk of catching or spreading illness, in particular Covid, cadets should stay home ifthey or anyone in their household issick.
A reminder to parents/guardians – if for any reason your cadet is unable to attend Sunday base training, please submit the “leave request” form found on the home page of the Kingsmill website so he/she will be recorded as excused for the day for attendance purposes. Your cadet is still responsible for completing the week’s lesson and quiz in Google Classroom.
Cadet dress for the day: Navy League uniform or white shirt/black pants and black shoes (for those without a uniform) Officer dress for the day: Winter Dress Upcoming Events Sunday 02 March - Regular cadet training Sunday 09 March - Stood down for March Break Sunday 16 March - Regular cadet training Sunday 23 March - Regular cadet training Saturday 29 March – Squadron competition (details to follow) Sunday 30 March – Stood down Sunday 06 April - Regular cadet training
Consider Donating:
The NLOB supports NLCC Vice Admiral Kingsmill's training program in a wide range of ways including, but not limited to, uniforms, recreational and educational trips, equipment for training, and the purchase of awards to recognize Kingsmill cadets' achievements. The Navy League of Canada Ontario Division has partnered with "Micharity" to organize a structured process to collect and distribute donations to the Branch of your choice and send charitable receipts immediately. Please consider making an online donation to our sponsoring Branch (NLOB) in support of cadet activities in our community. To donate to the NLOB, the NLOB has set up a link on their home page at, or the link can be directly accessed by clicking HERE. Donations using this link will be forwarded from the Ontario Division to the Ottawa Branch. However, please include a dedication on the form to the "Ottawa Branch" with the subject "Donation" to [email protected]. This will help the NLOB monitor it locally. Your generous donations will have a huge impact on helping us deliver a youth program that is second to none and help young Canadians develop into our leaders of tomorrow. Thank you!